Latest Past Events

Ongoing SRE Training and Encouragement – MUSWELLBROOK

Brookside Baptist Church Muswellbrook 79 Sydney St, Muswellbrook

Free event for current SRE teachers and prospective SRE teachers and helpers. Includes Classroom management workshop, Aboriginal cultural awareness workshop and opportunities to share and pray. You are invited to stay for soup, damper and a chat after the training sessions if you are able. For catering purposes and to register please email us:


Refresher Two Training

ONLINE - by Zoom

Modules 2,3 and 4 for those who have already attended the full modules and are due to be re-authorised. (Baptist Churches, ACC, Uniting Church in Australia, Newcastle Anglican and Churches of Christ all accept this training). Barbara Scott 0411 869 804


Refresher One Training

ONLINE - by Zoom

Modules 1,5,6 and 7 for those who have already attended the full modules and are due to be re-authorised. (Baptist Churches, ACC, Uniting Church in Australia, Newcastle Anglican and Churches of Christ all accept this training). Barbara Scott 0411 869 804
