Why SRE?
While each SRE lesson is different and age-appropriate, kids are encouraged to interact, think, ask questions and make up their own minds about matters of faith.
You can choose
Parents make the decision on whether or not their child attends SRE classes. Some parents send their children because they have a strong faith and they’d like these beliefs reinforced at school, as well as at home.
Others want their children to learn about faith and spirituality so they can decide for themselves which path they will take. And some parents want their kids to understand Christian values and morals to help guide them through the big decisions of life.
When you choose SRE for your child, you can be confident that they won’t be missing out on their regular lessons. Talk to your school principal if you have any questions.
SRE Teachers are safe people
Most SRE Teachers are volunteers who’ve undergone a rigorous process before being approved and before they ever step into a classroom.
Each person needs to apply for a Working With Children Check (WWCC) and go through training before they can be accredited as an SRE Teacher. The classroom teacher or a teacher from the school is often in the room during an SRE lesson. Each class is taught from an agreed curriculum which is available on your school’s website or by contacting your school principal.
It’s an approved curriculum
Each SRE class is taught from an approved curriculum which been agreed upon by state representatives of different Christian churches.
The curriculum is available on your school’s website or by contacting your school principal.

What kids have to say
SRE classes explore the Bible, core Christian ethics and beliefs, and examine how the teachings of Jesus encourage us to make good life choices in relationships.